4 Simple Ways to Find Out About Upcoming Shows

We’ve all scrolled through Instagram and Snapchat to see people at concerts we would’ve loved to go to but just didn’t know about. Speaking from experience, there is truly nothing worse than feeling like you’ve missed out on an exciting event.

One of the questions I’m most frequently asked is how I keep up with all the local shows happening in Winnipeg. Here are a few personal tips and tricks to help you stay in the loop and stand out as the local music aficionado in your friend group.

1. Sign Up for Newsletters

Ever wonder how people get those special “fans only” pre-sale codes for concerts or hear about the cool secret shows around town? It’s likely they’re subscribed to an artist, venue, or record label’s newsletter.

Often, artists and promoters will send updates about upcoming shows, tours, music releases and special events through these newsletters before announcing them on social media. It’s a great way to generate buzz and for passionate fans to stay ahead of the curve. 

Some people might associate the word “newsletter” with spam emails but considering the exclusive information that you can get out them, I see subscribing to newsletters as a valuable investment as a concert-goer.  If you’re interested in receiving updates from multiple bands or venues, consider creating an email account or inbox dedicated to your music subscriptions. This will help separate the content from your personal address so your messages don’t get bogged down.

2. Download the Bandsintown Concerts App

Back in 2014, Business Insider listed Bandsintown Concerts as one of the world’s greatest apps and I’ve been using it ever since. By syncing your phone’s music library to the app, you can track all your favourite artists and receive mobile notifications when they are playing a show near you. The app also suggests other local shows happening in the city based on your music taste, allowing you to discover a plethora of new artists. 

Bandsintown Concerts lists everything from hole-in-the-wall indie shows to stadium extravaganzas. You can even access Ticketmaster’s website directly through the app, meaning you don’t have to navigate between five different web pages to score tickets for a show you’re interested in. 

3. Peruse Facebook Event Pages

This is probably the number one way I stay connected to the local music scene, but it takes a bit of online sleuthing. Social media is a great way to get updates from artists you love and today, nearly every small DIY show has its own event page on Facebook. Follow the digital breadcrumb trail by seeing what kinds of event your friends or family are RSVPing to.

Notice an event that looks exciting but don’t know if you want to commit just yet? Whether you’re attending or not, don’t be afraid to hit that star-shaped “interested” button. Facebook’s algorithm takes your interests into account and will help the website suggest other local events that are similar in the future. Do this enough, and you’ll have a perfectly curated list of musical events at your disposal.

4. Walk Around Winnipeg’s Exchange District

We may be moving in the direction of a completely digital world, but here in Winnipeg, the old-school poster game is still alive and thriving. Wander down any alleyway throughout the Exchange District and you’ll be sure to find walls and windows plastered in colourful posters for upcoming gigs. Not only do these poster walls offer great insight into the hot events in town, they also provide some pretty Instagram-worthy backdrops for photos opportunitites.

Do you have any special methods or sources for staying up-to-date on all the Winnipeg music news? Share them below in the comments.

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